CT Student Handbook
Welcome Bulldog Families to the 2024-2025 school year!
Middle school is the time when students transition from being children to young adults. The increasing freedoms associated with the teen years carry with them increasing responsibilities. I encourage all students to choose to be “Leaders of the P.A.C.K.” this year! Take PRIDE in yourself by doing your best at school, home and in the community. Success in all areas of life whether at school, work or in any other activities comes through ACHIEVEMENT. The building blocks for achievement are consistent effort, concentration and good decision making. CHARACTER defines who we are as a person and is reflected most in the choices we make when we think no one is looking. Qualities like integrity, honesty and kindness contribute to good character. Work to highlight these in your life every day. The ultimate goal of your time in school is to develop increasing levels of KNOWLEDGE and apply it in a positive way. I encourage all students to accept the challenge of expanding their knowledge by completing assignments, asking questions and seeking help when it is needed. I hope you have a wonderful year, Bulldogs!
Mrs. Megan Galindo, Principal
Columbus Tustin Middle School
Mission Statement
CT is a positive, supportive and inclusive learning community where all students will maximize their academic and social potential in order to adapt successfully to an ever-changing world.